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Research Engineer in Applied Statistics
Chronological Modelling of Archaeological Data using Bayesian Statistics
The ChronoModel Application is a free and open-source cross-platform software. It is intended to provide tools for constructing chronologies in archaeology in combining Events, Phases and temporal constraints. Models can be developed including data from any dating methods and from archaeological and environmental contexts.
Started on 2012, the project is under the direction of Anne PHILIPPE and Philippe LANOS.
Marie-Anne VIBET, Research Engineer recruited by the Lebesgue Center (September 2014- December 2016), is involved in the development and enhancement of the software through:
• training for archaeologists
• aid for models' construction
• analysis and post-processing estimation for chronological scenarios.
References :
Lanos Ph. , Philippe A., Lanos H., Dufresne Ph. (2015). Chronomodel : Chronological Modelling of Archaeological Data using Bayesian Statistics. (Version 1.1).
Vibet, M.-A., Philippe, A., Lanos, Ph., and Dufresne, Ph. (2015). User’s Manual of Chronomodel.