How to reach Rennes
If you arrive from Paris by Plane or Train, the easiest thing is to take the TGV to come to Rennes (2 hours 15 from Gare Montparnasse, 3 hours from Paris Charles de Gaulle). For those who land at Charles de Gaulle, you can also take an air connection to Rennes.How to reach the Hotel
To reach the Brit Hotel Atalante Beaulieu from the train station or the airport, take a taxi.How to reach the conference place
The conference will take place at Inria in Salle Métivier on Beaulieu campus (campus map). A bus will pick up the invited speakers at the hotel Brit Hotel Atalante Beaulieuto bring them to the conferenceFrom the train station, take the metro (direction J.F. Kennedy) and stop at "Republique". Then take the bus n°4 or n°40 (direction Beaulieu Atalante or Cesson-Sévigné) and stop at "Tournebride". Then go to building number12C (voir plan).
Timetables, bus network pdf maps are available on Star website.
Annotated map
You will find informations on the conference place, buses, restaurants, etc.. on the joint mapAfficher NASPDE 2013 sur une carte plus grande