###Descriptif Cette initiative lancée par l'ambassade de France en Chine, en collaboration avec l'Université de Rennes 1, l'UFR de mathématiques et le Centre Henri Lebesgue permet à d'excellents étudiants chinois dans la discipline de mathématiques-statistique, de participer à des cours de niveau master 2 à Rennes. Les cours seront dispensés en anglais, et seront suivis de sessions de travaux pratiques et de module d’initiation à la recherche. Des cours de langue française et des visites culturelles complètent le programme.

###Program Summer school-Statistics: France Excellence

Monday 27th June
8:00-8:30 Welcome – Université Rennes 1, Tour de math
8:30-11:30 J.F. Dupuy, Regression modeling for financial analysis (I)

Tuesday 28th June
10:00-12:00 Y. Hu, Random variables and conditioning (I)
13:45-16:45 French langage courses

Wednesday 29th June
10:00-12:00 Y. Hu, Random variables and conditioning (II)

Thursday 30th June
8:00-10:00 J.F. Dupuy, Regression modeling for financial analysis (II)
13:45-16:45 French langage courses

Friday 1st July
10:00-12:00 Y. Hu, Random variables and conditioning (III)
13:45-16:45 French langage courses

Monday 4th July
10:00-12:00 R. Le Guevel, Inferential statistics, hypothesis testing (I)
13:45-16:45 French langage courses

Tuesday 5th July
10:00-12:00 R. Le Guevel, Inferential statistics, hypothesis testing (II)
14:00-16:50 31st IWSM 2016

Wednesday 6th July
08:00-10:00 R. Le Guevel, Inferential statistics, hypothesis testing (III)
10:15-12:15 R. Le Guevel, Inferential statistics, hypothesis testing (labs)
13:45-16:45 French langage courses

Thursday 7th July
9:00-12:00 V. Monbet, Statistical learning, graphical models (I)
14:00-16:00 V.Monbet, Statistical learning, graphical models (labs)

Friday 8th July
9:00-12:00 V. Monbet, Statistical learning, graphical models (II)
13:45-16:45 French langage courses

Monday 11th July
10:00-12:00 E. Hillion, Introduction to Markov chains (I)
13:45-16:45 French langage courses

Tuesday 12th July
08:00-10:00 J.F. Dupuy, Regression modeling for financial analysis (labs)
10:00-12:00 E. Hillion, Introduction to Markov chains (II)
14:00-16:00 E. Hillion, Introduction to Markov chains (labs)

Wednesday 13th July
10:00-12:00 E. Hillion, Introduction to Markov chains (III)
12:15-12:45 Closing meeting

###Professors J.F. Dupuy E. Hillion Y. Hu R. Le Guevel V. Monbet

###References Grimmett et Stirzaker, Probability and random processes, Oxford University Press.
Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Jerome Friedman, The Elements of 
Statistical Learning, http://statweb.stanford.edu/~tibs/ElemStatLearn/Chap. 3 and 17.

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