
Vannes, du 17 mai au 20 mai

Comité d'organisation : Pierre Ailliot, Denis Allard, Anne Cuzol, Ronan Fablet, William Kleiber, Etienne Mémin, Valérie Monbet, Philippe Naveau, Pierre Tandeo, Ying Sun

How can we reliably predict climate-related risks? Stochastic weather generators give us this ability by simulating sequences of daily weather and climate consistent with specific aspects of climate variability and change. The simulated sequences of meteorological variables (rainfall, wind, temperature,...) are typically used as inputs into complex environmental and ecosystem models. They have a wide range of applications in hydrology, agriculture and environmental management.

This workshop aims at bringing together a wide range of researchers, practitioners, and graduate students whose work is related to the stochastic modelling of meteorological variables and stochastic weather generators.